The Living One, Eternally now (a method experiencing God in hermetic spirituality)

When we think of Nous, we often think of it as something seperate from us in some way. If you think of Nous as anything “away” from the world. You are thinking of it wrong I’d argue.

Nous is actually what creates and sustains this eco system of reality as it’s mentioned quite a few times in various parts of the corpus. Nous is without appearances, without material constraints. So it makes it hard to percieve. But here’s a way on how you can be aware of it.

Firstly, there’s a couple of common heaps we all encounter when trying to become realized of the divine mind. That we are seperate from it, that it is hidden from us somehow, that it is something to be learned.

It is not seperate from anything, it’s behind and in all things. It’s not hidden from us, we are actively experiencing it in various forms and appearances. You cannot study your way to discovering it, you can only experience it. And you can do it here and now, and anywhere you are really. Just depending on who and how aquatinted you to this information will determine how easily it will be made known.

As it is said, we are little impressions of God. What makes us like god? It is something simple, our awareness, or conciousness I’d say. Here’s my reasoning, God is aware of all things. All things are in god and made alive by god’s awareness of them, All things that are in your life, are made alive to you by your awareness. Your awareness is borrowed from gods awareness put into a body to interact with the world of God in different appearances and forms. Basically the reason we are compelled towards god is because we are compelled towards knowing ourselves. God is us in our truer state. This is why god is the only truth and the only reality. Hence why “knowing thyself” is such a strong point in hermetic spirituality. Because all things are just nous or god in a different form or distinction of physical property, including all of yourself and what you are.

If you can understand that. If you can keep this idea alive and it’s real to you. More then just a fun thing to think about. You will become aware of your connection to God and your nous will become realized.

Everything you see becomes an appearance that Nous is behind somehow. it goes from a thing your trying to experience to a realization that it is all that experience is in and of itself.

All your senses find god. Every smell, is a scent of God in different form, every sight is god, in different colors and different shape. Every senation is a feeling of God. Every taste is flavor of God. all that you hear, is just different sounds of God. Then all your body, all your feelings, all the things that you feel are you. Are also part of God, an appearance of God. You become god in a way. Not necessarily “you” in the sense of your ego or identity. But you as in what Percieves the memory, and thoughts, is god.

God is only real in this very moment to us. God can only be found here and now in this body at least. Not in a memory, or in a thought, but in a everything that is animating this experience here and now. Even after all these appearances of the world crumbles and changes. The god that is animating it all will forever be in the moment of now unchanging, and all pervading, eternally before all beginnings and beyond all endings. And it’s your choice to calm the intellecual mind and motion of the world and just feel it. Come to love it. And see it. Let it be alive for you. There is nothing that is required of you for this either. It can just be done.

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